World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day

World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day

Today is World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day (W-BAD), an annual date to spread global awareness about benzodiazepine dependence and withdrawal.

World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day aims to highlight
the plight of all patients worldwide
who have become prescribed-drug dependents
through no fault of their own, who are denied right of access
to dedicated withdrawal clinics and aftercare,
who are left to struggle off these drugs without support.

—Barry Haslam, Chair of W-BAD

DUO became aware of W-BAD a few months ago when we were approached about creating an animated video that would demonstrate the risks and consequences of taking benzodiazepines, conveyed through victim testimonials and largely unknown facts.



Not only did we find this a powerful message, we discovered that someone we know personally has suffered from benzodiazepine withdrawal.  Because we so highly appreciate working with non-profits and due to DUO’s core value of give back, we created this video pro-bono.

Working on this project has been tremendously educational for all of us.  As a personal message, remember to research and ask questions before taking any medication.

To find out more about W-BAD, visit their website and check out their social media platforms:
► w-bad.org
► WorldBenzoDay on Facebook
► @WorldBenzoDay on Twitter